LSAT Information

LSAT vs GRE: Which Exam Should You Take?

LSAT vѕ GRE: Which Exam Should You Take?

Plаnnіng tо apply to law ѕсhооl? Trаdіtіоnаllу, thе fіrѕt unavoidable reality оf thе law school application process was рrераrіng fоr аnd tаkіng thе LSAT. But change ѕееmѕ tо bе afoot. A grоwіng number оf law ѕсhооlѕ…


The LSAT is not designed to measure academic knowledge, but a college background remains useful because certain skills and academic majors hone reading and reasoning skills, both of which are absolutely crucial for success on the LSAT. Students taking…
Top Law Schools

Top Law Schools in the US

Choosing a law school is one of the most important decisions of your legal career. The school you attend will determine the kind of education you get, but more importantly, it will affect your job opportunities and career options after you pass the…
LSAT Study Planner & Schedule

LSAT Study Planner & Schedule (1, 3, 6, & 12 Month Study Plans)

If your GPA wasn’t quite as high as you would have liked or you are trying to stand out against thousands of other law school applicants, the LSAT can be a key differentiator. While plenty of people who don’t perform well on the LSAT go on to master…
Guide to Logical Reasoning on the LSAT

Guide to Logical Reasoning on the LSAT

The logical reasoning section of the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) is one of the most important on the entire exam. This is because the exam's structure features sections that are weighted, with logical reasoning taking the lion’s share of weight…
Beginner's Guide to the LSAT Test Structure

Beginner’s Guide to the LSAT Test Structure

If you’re approaching graduation and considering law school, you don’t have much leeway over a lot of factors: your GPA, the amount of money in your bank account, or your work experience. However, the one area that you do have control over is your…
Guide to Reading Comprehension

Guide to Reading Comprehension on the LSAT

The LSAT is difficult - there’s no way around it. Your score on this admissions test is viewed by law schools across the nation and plays a significant part in subsequent offers and scholarships from schools - including prestigious universities like…
The 28 Most Frequently Asked Questions About the LSAT

The 28 Most Frequently Asked Questions About the LSAT

If you’ve just stumbled across this page, you’re likely interested in pursuing a future in law school. If so, keep reading to see a list of the 28 most frequently asked questions about the Law School Acceptance Test. Take a look below to learn the…
Best Vanity Plates for Lawyers

Best Vanity Plates For Lawyers

If you’ve just finished your law degree and found yourself locking down your first job at a great firm, you should be very happy with yourself (hopefully you're being showered with gifts too!). Law isn’t one of the most glamorous careers you could…

How is the LSAT Scored?

In this comprehensive guide, we go over everything you need to know about the LSAT's scoring system. You're probably working hard to prepare for the LSAT as you start your path to becoming a lawyer. Along with sticking to a strict study regimen,…
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